Manufacturer Part Number
System feature details
Experience often shows that some products are better than others, even though they are similar on paper. Sometimes you have big customers that requires you to use a product from one specific manufacturer. Other times you cannot get a hold of one product and need to know which similar products is acceptable to use instead.
Key capabilities
- Include manufactures unique product name/number for traceability.
- Store employee’s product knowledge into the system for future utilization.
- Incorporated big customers product requirements into your system.
- Set default and preferred manufacturers for products.
- Choose different MPN’s on purchase quote request, purchase quote, purchase order, purchase order response and goods reception.
Get down in the details
See how you gain control with easy to use features
MPN Overview
MPN Overview
The user-friendly overview lets you easily add multiple manufacturing options for your product.
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Set default MPN
Set default MPN
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Unique MPN
Unique MPN
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MPN in the sales process
MPN in the sales process
Easily change manufacturer through the sales process.
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