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RamBaseJuly 1, 20191 min read

Mazeppa feels comforted by the Norwegian ERP solution

RamBase partner, Mazeppa, proclaims that RamBase software adds value not just for their clients, but for themselves as well. 

Mazeppa CEO, Aage Ramstad, says, “Hatteland and RamBase always have our backs and that in itself is reassuring when complex and complicated situations arise. We know we can count on them for support.” 

Ramstad spoke highly of the “extraordinary and outstanding relationship” that has been forged between Mazeppa and RamBase. Svein Gihleengen, consulting manager at Mazeppa, attributes RamBase with enabling their company to expand due to RamBase’s cloud-based technology. “We work with very large and heavy businesses and with Rambase we can claim a larger market share and we can help smaller businesses obtain a first-class system; That process is taken care of by RamBase,” says Gihleengen. 

RamBase software has allowed Mazeppa to focus on what they do best. Gilhleengen said, “Our greatest strengths are the knowledge and experience that our consultants possess.” In Mazeppa’s fast past business environment, their consultants perform best when not inundated by software matters. 

“With RamBase, you don’t need to concern yourself with things like IT and technology. It is a service that is delivered straight from the cloud and that is a very simple and easy way to go about things,”

Aage Ramstad, CEO Mazeppa

What is not easy is controlling a complex production journey. Without RamBase, Mazeppa feels that they would be incapable of functioning smoothly. “It is important to stick to the time frame that you have promised and that applies to both us and our clients. We need a system in place that makes it possible to have an overview for when materials arrive, how long production time takes and when you can promise delivery,” said Ramstad. 

RamBase’s partnership with Mazeppa is a positive example of how Norwegian companies can collaborate to increase their global reach. Mazeppa feels comforted by the Norwegian ERP solution provided by RamBase.“The fact that everything is stored locally in Norway and that it’s developed in Norway, I think that is a positive thing. It’s the cherry on top,” said Gihleengen. 

Mazeppa also feels empowered to work with clients across borders with their increased competencies enable by RamBase software. Ramstad said, “We think that RamBase is an incredibly interesting challenger in this market.”