The smelter has made significant progress in reducing personal risk thanks to the valuable consultancy assistance. With RamBase as a supporter, INEOS Tyssedal have been able to implement a thorough and systematic approach to risk management, which has led to a safer and more secure workplace for all employees.
"RamBase stands for quality, service and strong expertise, and has demonstrated great flexibility when we have needed this," says CEO Rune Dolmen.
The quality and safety requirements are becoming increasingly strict, and it can be challenging for a company to have an overview of which requirements are in force at any given time. INEOS Tyssedal (former Eramet company Tizir Titanium & Iron AS), like other smelters, has a natural inherent process and personal risk. With that comes strict requirements for risk control, and here managing director Rune Dolmen has received good help from RamBase QMS, through a methodical and thorough mapping of the company's risk conditions.
TCEO Rune Dolmen
Analyzing each process
– RamBase QMS is a recognized player, delivering process-, person- and environmental risk analyzes of high quality, says Holmen
Dolmen points out that all action plans are in line with Norsk Standard's requirements for Risk Assessments in NS 5814.
- It is my personal experience as a former shipyard director in Sauda, and now as CEO of Tyssedal, that RamBase QMS’s expertise combined with the methodological and inclusive working method forms the basis for all risk analyzes. They identify the gap between the current situation and the desired future improved situation, and summarize it in a specific action plans for each process. All in line with Norwegian Standards for Risk Assessments in NS 5814, Dolmen explains.
Zero-vision for personal injuries
The company works towards a a zero vision of injuries by 2023.
– This vision requires that we let go of the attitude that “this is how we do it, because this is how we have always done it”, and embrace the idea that mindset, knowledge and technology reduces and controls the risks inherent in our processes.
The core principle for achieving zero damage is to be aware of existing risk and close the gap between where we are and where we want to be, says Dolmen.
Dolmen states that they can no longer accept that the people in the organization are seen as the strongest barrier to something going wrong.
– With the help of risk analyzes, we work out a technical and organizational barrier system that ensures that our people can make a mistake without anyone or anything being harmed. We need to eliminate people from “the line of fire” activities, and rather map out how we can reduce the likelihood of injuries digitally or technologically, such as robotic solutions.
Necessary competence
RamBase QMS as a system can provide good help, but analyzes and certification are not about the software as such, but about how the companies utilize it, and how they build their own routines. What does RamBase QMS do to ensure compliance with the requirements?
RamBase QMS offer advice in the construction and operation of management systems. Risk assessments, analyzes and audits require a certain amount of competence and capacity, which is why many of our clients appreciate the regular contact with our experts.
The risk lies within the organization
RamBase QMS assists companies with conducting root cause analyzes, based on the so-called MTO method (Human-Technology-Organization), where one of the design criteria for the method is that the Human is never a root cause of an event!
– For us, it is important to find the structural organizational reasons for an unwanted incident, and thereby ensure that responsibility for prevention always ends up in the right place, says Dolmen.
All the leaders with responsibility for operational personnel have recently been trained by RamBase QMS in carrying out root cause analyzes according to the MTO method. The purpose is to increase knowledge of the various reasons why an incident occurs. The training also ensures a standardized methodological approach to ensuring that incidents can never occur again.
– Such new knowledge means that we are now able to carry out investigations of less serious incidents according to the same principles. Over time, this will mean that leaders with responsibility for health and safety get a stronger sense of responsibility for the safety of their people, through being even more aware that there are always organizational root causes when unwanted incidents occur, says Dolmen.
Tangible measures
RamBase QMS’s work has given the company something concrete and tangible to work from in the future.
– In the instances where RamBase QMS has assisted us with their investigation expertise, it has always resulted in very useful reports, both in Norwegian and English, which are easy for us to utilize in our further work. RamBase QMS is also incredibly service-minded, and has always demonstrated great flexibility when needed, which in turn has strengthened our relationship with RamBase QMS.
Necessary competence
RamBase QMS as a system tool can provide good help, but analyzes and certification are not about the software as such, but about how the businesses use it, and how they build up their own routines. RamBase also offers consulting in the development and operation of management systems. Risk assessments, analyzes and audits require a certain competence and capacity, and here consultants from RamBase can help. Contact us today!