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The Transparency Act

The Transparency Act

- "Åpenhetsloven" in Norwegian

Last modified May 27, 2023.

The Transparency Act, which came into effect in Norway on July 1, 2022, aims to promote companies' respect for fundamental human rights and decent working conditions.

The Transparency Act requires companies covered by the law to introduce a systematic and comprehensive approach to ensuring that human rights and working conditions are safeguarded at all levels of their operations. To comply with the law, companies must identify areas in their value chain where they have or may have a negative impact on human and workers' rights.


About RamBase

RamBase, founded in 1992, is a premier Software-as-a-Service (SaaS) system developed in Norway and distributed through certified partners. The RamBase Cloud ERP system offers a comprehensive business solution that seamlessly integrates the entire value chain into a unified platform, resulting in streamlined core business processes.

RamBase is owned, operated, and marketed by Jakob Hatteland Computer AS (JHC), which is part of the Hatteland Group. With a strong global presence, JHC has subsidiaries in Norway, Sweden, the United Kingdom, and Poland that are involved in the development, sales, and delivery of RamBase. In line with JHC's commitment to customer support and service quality, RamBase has established its own local companies in the United Kingdom and Poland.

In accordance with the Hatteland Group's overall practices, JHC is dedicated to promoting human rights and maintaining proper working conditions throughout its operations and value chain.


Compliance Framework

At RamBase, we are deeply committed to fostering transparency, accountability, and responsible business practices as an organization. 

Our goal is to cultivate a culture characterized by integrity, respect for human rights, and sustainable procurement throughout our organization and across our supply chain. We strive to set a positive example and consistently enhance our practices, aspiring to be better and do better at every step.

Our existing procedures already ensure compliance with decent working conditions and the protection of human rights. In line with the Transparency Act, we have implemented additional procedures to guarantee our compliance and actively seek continuous improvement.

We are dedicated to continuous improvement and will regularly review and update our procedures to align with emerging best practices and regulatory developments. By implementing these measures, we aim to foster transparency, accountability, and ethical conduct throughout our organization and supply chain.


Code of Ethics and Code of Conduct

Our organization maintains a Code of Ethics and a Code of Conduct that guide the behaviour and actions of all employees. These codes establish the standards of integrity, professionalism, and ethical conduct expected from every individual within our organization. We ensure that our employees are aware of and comply with these codes in all aspects of their work.


Hatteland Group's Guidelines for Conduct and Ethics for Suppliers and Business Partners

As a part of our commitment to promoting responsible practices, we have adopted Hatteland Group's Guidelines for Conduct and Ethics for Suppliers and Business Partners. These guidelines set forth the ethical expectations and standards we require from our suppliers and business partners. We communicate these guidelines and work collaboratively with our partners to ensure their adherence.


Policy for Sustainable Procurement

We have established a Policy for Sustainable Procurement to guide our procurement processes. This policy outlines our commitment to considering environmental, social, and economic factors when selecting suppliers and making purchasing decisions. We aim to work with suppliers who share our commitment to sustainability and responsible business practices.

Policy for Human Rights and Decent Working Conditions 

Respecting and promoting human rights and ensuring decent working conditions are fundamental to our operations. We have implemented a Policy for Human Rights and Decent Working Conditions, which reflects our commitment to upholding internationally recognized labour standards and promoting fair treatment, diversity, and inclusion in our workforce and supply chain.

Procedure for Compliance with The Transparency Act 

To ensure compliance with The Transparency Act, we have established a comprehensive Procedure for Compliance with The Transparency Act. This procedure outlines the steps we take to identify, prevent, and address any potential risks related to transparency and ethical practices set forth by the Transparency Act. We regularly review and update this procedure to stay in alignment with the regulatory requirements.

Due Diligence Assessment Procedure 

We employ a robust due diligence assessment method to evaluate potential suppliers and business partners. This method includes a thorough evaluation of their transparency, ethical conduct, sustainability practices, and adherence to human rights standards. By conducting these assessments, we aim to select suppliers who share our commitment to responsible business practices.

Due Diligence Assessment

We have an established overarching risk assessment that identifies general areas of significant risk within our organization and value chain. We have mapped out the key operations and structures in our value chain to identify activities, geographical areas, or business connections that pose a higher risk of human rights violations and decent working conditions breaches. Our approach is based on the OECD guidelines for due diligence assessments in responsible business conduct. This assessment is updated annually, and the results are documented here.

For the period 1 January to 31 December 2023, our assessments show that the greatest risk of negative impact on basic human rights and working conditions is linked to the acquisition of IT equipment and goods (merch). In order to minimize any negative impact, we seek sustainable solutions as far as possible. We also closely monitor our partners and suppliers and require documentation of a joint commitment to respect basic human rights and other working conditions.

In instances where we are uncertain about the impact our partners and suppliers may have on the world, we demand a comprehensive explanation and supporting documentation. If the documentation received does not satisfy the safeguarding of basic human rights and decent working conditions, this could have consequences for the contractual relationship with us. In normal cases, we will seek to influence the supplier to minimize risk and repair any breaches that have been committed.


Notification channels 

Employees, partners, and suppliers are encouraged to make contact regarding any due diligence issues or questions they may have. We have open lines of communication to ensure that everyone involved in our operations feels empowered to raise concerns and seek clarification.

For employees within our organization, we have established internal channels to report any potential violations of basic human rights or working conditions. Whistleblower mechanisms are in place to protect the identity of those who choose to come forward and report any wrongdoing. We take such reports seriously and conduct thorough investigations to address any identified issues promptly.

We have an external whistleblower channel that can be used by our own employees and other stakeholders. The notification scheme is designed to protect the identity of those who choose to come forward and report any irregularities.


More information?

Our partners and suppliers are encouraged to engage with us regarding due diligence inquiries. We have designated points of contact who are responsible for handling such inquiries and providing necessary documentation. We expect our partners and suppliers to demonstrate a commitment to respecting human rights and upholding decent working conditions.

We hope that after reading this statement, you will clearly understand how RamBase works seriously and continuously with the issues addressed by the Transparency Act. If you require further information, you can request this in writing. You can contact us here.