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Production Planning

Bjørn Morten Stokka | Hendrik Dybdahl

This is a pre-read for the "Production Planning" session at the Summit 2024.

Having a firm grip on the intricate product and process requirements is crucial for ensuring the smooth and efficient execution of high-quality products. Discover how to enhance control in the production planning process by efficiently releasing scheduled jobs, gaining improved insights into production requirements and associated work orders, and utilizing a feature-rich work order execution system. In this session we will review the support for planning and execution of production work orders. 


To get the most out of this parallel session we encourage you to read through and reflect how the applications below impact your business, make sure to note down your talking points to bring to the Summit discussion. 



Think about how can we increase efficiency while maintaining full control of production.

The Production work order menu application

The Production work orders menu (PWOMENU) lists all production work orders in an easy-to-use interface. The new application serves as an alternative to the Production work order list application (PWO) with the added functionality of the Productions tab from the Production planning application (PRODPLAN). PWOMENU gives a much better view of the total plan, what is pending and what is ready for release. Updated search and filter features include more information and options. 


The Production work order (PWO) and the Production planning applications (PRODPLAN) will be replaced. 

  • Tema for dagen

08.30 - 12.00


Intro kurs for finans
  • Gjennomgang av sammenhengen i finansmodulen med resten av systemet.
  • Kunnskap hva som skal være på plass for en periodeavslutning.

12.00 - 13.00


13.00 -15.00

UX Workshop

  • UX gjengen fra produkt kjører en introduksjon til utvalgte RamBase prosjekter.
  • God tid til inspill, ris, ros og spørsmål fra dere partnere.



The Scheduled production jobs application

Handling individual production work orders can be time consuming. If you have standardized, but complex structures, produced repetitively in higher volumes you need an efficient way to prepare and release production work orders. The Scheduled production jobs application (SPJ) in PWOMENU mitigates this as it makes it easier to efficiently schedule operations on multiple production work orders. Filter and multiselect the production work orders in PWOMENU and run one of the following options: 

  • Confirm production work order 
  • Release production work order 
  • Release production work order with subproductions 


This action can be scheduled or run as soon as possible. The result can be found in the SPJ application. 


The Order overview application

Most make-to-order manufacturers will need to plan and execute their production work orders in the context of sales orders. The Orders overview application (OOV) lists all open Sales order items (COAITEM) requiring a production work order. It is an alternative to the Production backlog customer backlog (PBCOA) in combination with the Orders tab from the Production planning application (PRODPLAN). The extensive filtering and search options allow for arranging all open Sales order items according to the users' needs.


The application simply improves the overview of manufacturing requirements related to sales orders. 


The Inspect subproductions application

The Inspect subproductions (PWOTREE) application is an overview application tailored for Production work orders with subproductions. The application grants overview by displaying the subproductions in relation to a main Production work order. This application provides the status for the total production tree; main production and all its sub levelsIt displays relevant warnings about material delayed days etc, so it shall be a good tool to take care of possible problems / delays. 
OOV has an icon for direct inspect of PWOTREE for the sales order line. 

The Inspect subproductions (PWOTREE) application works in the context of a Production work order (PWO) and is available in the Order overview (OOV) and Schedule production jobs (SPJ) applications. 


RamBase partner Mazeppa

Mazeppa er en av våre norske partnere som har solgt og supportert RamBase lengst i Norge.

Bli bedre kjent med Mazeppa

Finn veien

Smart Industri 2022

Mandag 23. mai  kl. 09:00 – 17:00
Tirsdag  24. mai  kl. 09:00 – 18:00
Onsdag  25. mai kl. 09:00 – 15:00
NOVA Spektrum
Norges Varemesse AS
Messeveien 8, 

Take part in the discussion!

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We hope you've noted down some ideas to bring to the session and trust that you now possess a thorough understanding of the various purchasing requirements processes.

Most importantly, we want to hear from you!

We encourage you to bring any questions or feedback to our workshop discussions. Your inputs will influence the direction of our development.