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Tall Office Building
Olena TaymanovaNovember 9, 20232 min read

Enterprise Software Without the Enterprise Price-Tag

A truly valuable system is one that effortlessly embraces growing workloads, mirroring the expansion of your business. It's not merely about juggling an influx of transactions or data; it's about executing these tasks with seamless efficiency, cost-effectiveness, and minimal disruption. A scalable system doesn't just support business growth; it fuels it, and this ethos lies at the heart of our innovative solutions.


A software that scales helps businesses scale 


Over 8000 kilometers away from Silicon Valley, RamBase came to life as a direct response to the demands of AutoStore, a 24/7 automated storage and retrieval warehouse, entirely comprised of robots. AutoStore's success hinged on one pivotal factor: control of information. Driven by seamless integration of technology and data management, AutoStore's expansion across international boarders became a remarkable story of achievement. Today, AutoStore has over 1250 Systems in 50 countries, with RamBase Cloud ERP at its core, powering every step of the way towards success. 

Take a scroll through the history of RamBase.


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How we help businesses like yours

When it comes to taking on a growth strategy, your software needs to accommodate your ambitions. While AutoStore might seem like an easy example to reference in terms of success stories, they are not a one-hit-wonder. AutoStore is just one of many businesses we have helped over the years to reach their ambitions. For example, our most recent fast-tracked implementation project Griff Aviation, a Norwegian drone manufacturer can scale up its business seamlessly without compromising efficiency or quality.

Meanwhile, down along the southern coast of Norway in Tau, electronics manufacturer, WestControl, has seen an impressive scale up of their business, growing over 59 percent since it's go-live with RamBase. And they're showing no signs of slowing down. With their manufacturing processes being highly complex, WestControl required a system that could seamlessly support their fast-paced production, adhere to stringent regulatory standards, and ensure efficiency throughout.




"With more than 40.000 components registered, we totally depend on a solid system. Here is where RamBase plays its part," says Eirik Høie,  IT-Manager and System responsible for ERP at Westcontrol. 

As a company rapidly expands, the need to share information becomes absolutely vital. Bente Aanestad Fjelde, Supply Chain Manager at WestControl, comments on the seamless control that RamBase provides over their warehouse operations, eliminating the need for tedious documentation and invoice paperwork. Thanks to RamBase Cloud ERP, everything is streamlined.


Growing stronger together

What makes it possible for these businesses to scale? The secret is a mixture of both company readiness and our scalable platform. With this approach, we empower businesses big and small with the same robust enterprise tools and functionalities that traditionally only the corporate giants have enjoyed. It's not just about providing tools; it's about delivering a transformational catalyst. 

We understand that every business has unique ambitions. By partnering with RamBase, you gain a gateway to a world of opportunities. So, let's talk about it. Together, we can create a scalable and efficient system that will support your expanding workload, mirror the growth of your business, and fuel your success. Contact us today to schedule a conversation and discover the possibilities that await you.



Let's talk about it